Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mayan Calendar

Hi Everyone:
Saw a most interesting program on Syfy channel last night. It was about the Mayan Calendar with experts from and including George Noory of Coast2Coast. Believe me they knew what they were talking about. The ecliptic is part of Astrology, with the procession of the equinoxes and the changing of the Ages from Pisces to Aquarius. With these changes come transformations and evolutions, not necessarily revolutions although revolution and violence is indeed possible.

Life changes come to us all at various times. But to worry about Planet X hitting the Earth or that every volcano will erupt at the same time is unconscionable. Besides were that to happen, it wouldn't leave many survivors, not for very long anyway. What happens after wards is probably more important anyway. Once a soul leaves the body, that lifetime makes more sense than when in the middle of a lifetime. Worry is the last thing to consider, it's what you did do with what you were given that matters.

The Mayans have nearly vanished, but their knowledge lives on and society has come to be aware of the great potentials of that civilization. So what to do with this knowledge is to think positive, live each day as it comes and be grateful for all the adventures you have participated in. The Ages keep changing, but they seem to stand still because you don't realize they are changing. It's kind of like a tree growing, you don't see a great difference in a few years. Some things are in slow motion no matter how technology speeds things up. So take time to smell the roses and to appreciate them and the life you are into now.

Carol Ruth

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